What to Expect When Remodeling Your Kitchen

You’ve made the decision – and it’s a big one! You’re going to have your kitchen remodeled. You’ve found the perfect design, the right contractor, and you’re ready to go. But keep in mind this project will serve as a disruption in your home for as long as it takes to get the job done. Here are a few things to think about as you begin your journey.

Remodeling a kitchen is a huge undertaking that involves a lot of details to consider, decide on, and oversee the implementation. If you're not prepared it can seem a bit overwhelming but here are some of the things you can expect and prepare for during your kitchen remodel.

Steps to Consider

Obviously, the first step is to decide on the budget for your kitchen remodel. A good rule of thumb is about 15 percent of your home's current market value. Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be additional expenses so try to plan your budget on 80 percent of what you want your total budget to actually be. Your remodeling costs can be broken down into two main categories: the labor and installation that your contractor will charge and then the materials you select.

The materials you select will represent the biggest remodeling costs and where you have the most choice and where you have the most probability of going over budget. For this, you can research information on the materials and their price ranges and this might also provide some ideas for planning your kitchen design and layout which is the next step in the process.

The planning of your kitchen design and layout is rarely a one-step process so don't expect to get it exactly the way you want it all in one shot. It's a slowly evolving process that continually changes as you keep refining it. It's a good idea to sit with an idea for a while to see how it feels and fits with your kitchen designs. Make sure the layout flows with how you work in the kitchen.

After you've fine-tuned your kitchen design the next stage is ordering all the materials. Making sure you cover all the details and order everything needed is very important. This is where having a professional working with you will come in handy. It’s what contractors do, so communicating is a key factor in the end result.

Another thing to be prepared for and expect is unforeseen delays. Things like out-of-stock materials on backorder or faulty existing construction that's discovered that needs to be brought to code could cause delays outside the contractor's control.

The next stage involves demolition or deconstruction of the existing cabinets, countertops, appliances, flooring, and lighting, depending on the extent of your remodel and what you've decided to replace. It's going to get really messy so just be prepared for that and just make peace with the fact that there's going to be dust everywhere even after the demolition process is finished. You can count on the whole place being dusty and messy for most of the duration of the construction.

You can cover up furniture that you want to protect from dust and will need to either plan on eating out during the remodel or setting up a temporary kitchen elsewhere.

Bottom line is to expect the unexpected and make sure you have a good working relationship with your contractor.

Know how to prepare during your kitchen renovation can make the entire remodeling experience less overwhelming and stressful and it can even be a fun and exciting experience.